Religious Facilities
Our religious projects are founded on consensus-driven decision making with each faith community.
We are your partner in stewardship of the congregation's resources. Our work with worship facilities is varied in program, scale, and budget, but our approach is universal:
We facilitate a planning process that engages your committees and reinforces shared religious values.
We explore technologically advanced solutions that respond to both present and future needs.
We seek “best value” not only in initial cost, but in long term operational expense.
We create and protect architectural character, communicating the significance of the worship space.

Symbols of Significance
In worship facilities, the architectural design is developed in concert with other items of liturgical significance, like altars, ambos, stained glass and baptismal fonts. Learn how our architectural team collaborated with artists in the creation of the Hermance Family Chapel of St. Basil the Great at St. John Fisher College.
The Art of Architecture