Avon Pocket Park
Transforming a Vacant Lot into a Community Gathering Space in Avon, NY
Working with the Village of Avon, LaBella is transforming a vacant lot, located near village center, into a new pocket park. A concept plan and renderings were developed and brought through to design development stage. The pocket park will serve as a public gathering space with plenty of space to engage visitors in various activities, such as a farmers markets, art shows, and as a small entertainment venue.
Design included:
- New 55’ x 44’ tinted concrete patio with a 20’ x 15’ timber shelter
Two new 6’ wide concrete stair flights, handicap ramp, and approx. 120LF of concrete sidewalk - Redesigned entrance to parking lot with new 22’ wide driveway, high visibility crosswalk and accessible sidewalk ramps
- 4 park benches around edge of patio, and picnic tables under timber shelter
Various landscape plantings and trees throughout site for shade, aesthetics and seasonal color.
Our designers used SketchUp, Enscape, and Adobe Photoshop software to model the site in entirety, and create photo-realistic renderings pictured here.