I-290 at NYS Route 5 Interchange Improvements
Revamping the Interchange to Ease Congestion and Enhance Safety
Traffic services for the Project Scoping Report and Design Phases I thru IV as well as the preparation of a Final Design Report/Final Environmental Impact Statement (FDR/FEIS). Exit 7 connects I-290 with NYS Route 5 (Main Street) between NYS Route 324 (Sheridan Drive) and I-90 (The New York State Thruway) in the Town of Amherst, Erie County. Ramp geometry, weaving segments, and daily traffic volumes contribute to stop and go movements, peak hour delays, and motor vehicle crashes. The project improves geometry, operations, and safety at the I-290 and NYS Route 5 interchange by alleviating existing traffic congestion and safety concerns.
The I-290/Main Street interchange was evaluated for potential modifications to improve traffic operations between the Main Street interchange and the I-90 interchange in Amherst, NY. A complex traffic study was conducted to examine traffic operations for the expressway and Main Street network for feasible alternatives which included ramp removals and interchange reconfigurations. VISSIM was used to analyze I-290 and three associated interchanges to determine vehicle densities, travel times and speeds for traffic traveling through the study area. Synchro was used to provide modeling and signal coordination optimization of the Main Street network.