Otsego Land Trust Brookwood Point Carriage Trail and Stream Stabilization
New Trails and Stream Stabilization Give Access to Brookwood Point’s Unique Ecosystem
Brookwood Point is located in Cooperstown, NY on Otsego Lake, the source of the Susquehanna River. The site is the former historic estate of the Cook family and is now owned by the Otsego Land Trust. The Otsego Land Trust received grant funds to open access to the isolated north side of Brookwood Point.
LaBella provided professional services for concept design through construction phase services for the carriage trail, parking, and stream stabilization improvements. The scope of services included an aquatic resource delineation and report preparation, literature review and archeological sensitivity assessment, stream restoration, and a joint permit application.
The project also included the design and coordination of two bridges that cross a prominent stream on the preserve. LaBella’s geotechnical engineers prepared a certified geotechnical letter for design and oversaw the preparation of the design-build bridge abutment plan sheets and stream bank restoration details.
Additional elements included a new site entrance on NYS Route 80, an improved entrance road and gravel parking areas, an ADA accessible carriage trail design, access to historic gardens, and the addition of a kayak launch rental facility and boat wash area.
The project was funded in part by the New York State Department of Transportation and Federal Highway Administration. Brookwood Point now has improved scenic access to a diversified ecosystem and direct access to Otsego Lake.