Port of Albany Expansion for Offshore Wind Tower Manufacturing

Making Way for the Nation’s First Offshore Wind Tower Manufacturing Facility

The Albany Port District Commission (APDC) manages the maritime operations and infrastructure of the publicly owned Ports of Albany and Rensselaer along the Hudson River in New York State.

Alongside globally recognized private partners, APDC is expanding its current footprint to support the development of the first offshore wind tower manufacturing operation in the United States. Large wind tower components will be manufactured on and along the Hudson River, then floated down the river to be included in offshore wind construction in the Atlantic Ocean.

To facilitate this project, the APDC acquired approximately 85 acres of land, known as Beacon Island, for reclamation. The former landfill site was impacted by historic coal ash, and all work performed on the project was regulated by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) and the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH).

To ensure the safety of the environment and neighboring communities, APDC looked to LaBella, who was engaged as Owner’s Representative to perform safety, environmental, and quality oversight for all activities. We collaborated closely with the APDC, the design team led by McFarland Johnson, NYSDEC, NYSDOH, and key community stakeholders, including Riverkeeper, to develop a comprehensive environmental safety program that focused on air and water quality, as well as the protection of the Hudson River and adjacent wetlands during construction.

LaBella also holds the special inspection contract and supports the APDC in change management, including owning the master project schedule and review/approval of all change orders and cost impacts to the project.

Despite the challenges presented by this project, LaBella and our partners have demonstrated that effective communication and collaboration among key stakeholders are critical. Through these efforts, hazardous site redevelopment can support the state’s green initiatives, provide economic benefits, and ensure long-term environmental improvements, all while protecting the health and safety of the local community.

The next phase involves constructing a 626,000-square-foot facility, spread across five buildings, dedicated to manufacturing wind tower sections.


“It’s very important to be able to pick a team that has experience, integrity then also can back that up with facts. LaBella has been excellent as a partner with us.” – Megan Daly, Chief Commerce Officer, Port of Albany

Our Scope of Work

“LaBella came on and they have represented the Port of Albany in the best of situations.” – Richard Hendrick, CEO, Port of Albany

Community Air Monitoring Program

In collaboration with NYSDEC and NYSDOH, LaBella developed and implemented a site-specific Community Air Monitoring Program (CAMP) to meet robust standards. Continuous monitoring was performed for Particulate Matter 10 (PM10), PM2.5, and Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) at eight locations, with full-time on-site staffing and weekly reporting to regulatory agencies and the public. There were no exceedances—no dust or particulates left the site.

Landfill Reclamation Plan

LaBella developed and implemented a Landfill Reclamation Plan, which included full-time site staffing with qualified safety personnel to identify and oversee the testing and removal of unsuitable materials. Approximately 16,000 tons of impacted soils were removed.

Water Quality Monitoring

LaBella implemented and oversaw five groundwater monitoring wells throughout and after the development of the site. Careful monitoring helped LaBella demonstrate that water quality in and around the site was not negatively impacted. Results were shared with state agencies and the community.

On-Site Safety Staffing

LaBella’s Health & Safety Services group is providing on-site safety management, overseeing the day-to-day safety culture and compliance initiatives by working with all contractors. Duties include daily site safety staffing (20-30 hours per week), auditing safety plans and procedures, facilitating daily safety talks, and guiding contractors on safe work practices and procedures.


Tons of impacted soils removed and one million tons of soil and stone imported for site cap


Air monitoring sites with zero detections of coal ash at project site boundaries


Groundwater monitoring wells


Total hours of health and safety oversight

“We have left the site in a safer, more environmentally friendly condition than it was when the Port of Albany obtained it.” Ed Larkin, PE
Regional Manager, Buildings Engineering at LaBella Associates

Dive Deeper Into the Project

Discover more about the Port of Albany’s groundbreaking offshore wind tower manufacturing facility project.


Learn More Here
Image Credit: McFarland Johnson

Powered by Partnership

Hear about how the Albany Port District Commission and LaBella have been working together to enhance the Port of Albany with offshore wind.