RED Gas Main
LaBella’s Environmental Services Help Complete Gas Main Project Without Violation
LaBella was selected by a confidential utility client to serve as the Environmental Manager responsible for planning and managing a soil and groundwater pre-characterization investigation to determine appropriate soil and groundwater handling procedures during the installation of approximately four miles of gas main in the City of Rochester.
The project involved complex soil and groundwater management as it passed through two inactive hazardous waste landfills that have site-specific soil and groundwater management procedures. LaBella performed air monitoring and soil screening during construction within the two inactive hazardous waste landfills. Additional responsibilities included performing waste characterization sampling of various debris along the route, obtaining environmental permits, and managing the environmental monitors during construction.
Our team also performed wetland and stream delineations, wetland permitting, and protected species screenings. Furthermore, we were responsible for performing all Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) inspections for the project. Our team coordinated closely between Rochester Energy Development (the contractor) and the City of Rochester to develop solutions to environmental and stormwater issues that were amenable to all parties.
LaBella’s diligent monitoring and coordination aided in completing the project on time and without violation. The project remained in compliance with all New York State Erosion and Sediment Control laws and the Project SWPPP. Our team’s oversight of a variety of contractors across a large geographic jobsite allowed for the environmental goals on this complex project to be obtained and ensured that impacts to the local community were minimized and mitigated as necessary