Solid Waste Engineering and Environmental Services for Rockingham County, NC

LaBella Serves Rockingham County Landfills for Over Two Decades

LaBella has been providing landfill engineering services at the Rockingham County Landfill since 1998. During this time, our project experience with Rockingham County includes the following:

  • Design & Construction Services
  • Landfill Operational Consulting Services
  • Leachate Collection System Services
  • Landfill Gas Collection & Control System Design Services
  • Landfill Gas System Operations & Maintenance Services
  • Landfill Environmental Services



Examples of Our Project Experience With Rockingham County

Design & Construction Services

Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Cell 3 Closure:
LaBella has assisted the County with the closure of the active municipal solid waste Cell 3. This included submitting and getting approval of Closure Plan, Preparation of Bid Documents, and CQA services.

Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Cell 4 Permitting and Construction:
We designed, permitted, and prepared bid documents for the County’s municipal solid waste Cell 4. Currently, we are assisting in CQA services for the cell.

Landfill Operational Consulting Services

LaBella provided landfill operations assistance, which included repairs to deeply eroded slopes and undercut perimeter road, and sediment-laden basins. We also provided boots-on-the-ground fill sequencing assistance to the landfill operator.

Leachate Collection System Services

We designed and oversaw the construction of a Phase 4 leachate collection system. In addition, we designed Phases 5-7 leachate collection system, including pump design and analysis of current system capacity.

Landfill Gas Collection & Control System Design Services

LaBella was selected to design a voluntary landfill gas extraction system for two closed, unlined landfill units, as well as their Subtitle D landfill cell. We oversaw the drilling of exploratory wells and conducted field and laboratory testing to verify the quality and quantity of gas available. The project was completed in 2011 with the installation of an active extraction system that was designed to easily expand with future landfill operations. The County delivered electricity to the grid via an on-site 800kw generator.

In 2017, LaBella designed the expansion of the landfill gas extraction system in conjunction with the closure of Phases 1-3 of the Subtitle D landfill. The design included the addition of 22 extraction wells. We also prepared bid documents to procure a new flare/blower skid for the landfill. We reviewed the bids and provided a recommendation to the County. The flare was constructed and installed by PRM and became operational in 2020. We performed the initial flare test.

In accordance with the approved 2020 GCCS Plan prepared by LaBella, the system was also expanded in 2021. A total of 29 extraction wells were added to the system. Since half of these wells were installed in the unlined landfill, LaBella’s design separated all the wells installed in the Subtitle D landfill from those installed in the unlined landfill. Accordingly, a second flare was installed to burn landfill gas collected from the unlined landfill.

Landfill Gas System Operations & Maintenance Services

LaBella provides monthly operations and maintenance of the blower/flare and wellfield at the landfill to optimize collection system efficiency and maximize gas delivery. Additionally, LaBella assists the County to ensure that the flow meters and gas analyzers onsite are properly calibrated, cleaned and inspected in a way that meets the requirements of the GHG monitoring rule and the Climate Action Reserve protocol for carbon credits.

Landfill Environmental Services

Groundwater Monitoring and Reporting:
LaBella provides semiannual water quality monitoring and reporting for the 79-01 and
79-04 landfills. In 2018, we prepared Water Quality Monitoring Plans for the facility. Additionally, we prepared an Alternate Source Demonstration that prevented the facility from entering the Groundwater Corrective Action Program.

Stormwater Compliance:
We assist the County on an as-needed basis with stormwater sampling and reporting.

Landfill Boundary Probe Monitoring and Reporting:
LaBella provides quarterly boundary probe and structure monitoring. We have implemented remediation, including installing gas vents in closed, unlined portions of the landfill. These gas vents were connected to the active gas system.

Regulatory Permitting & Reporting:
We prepared the air permit application for a permit to construct a utility flare and engine-generator on-site to burn landfill gas. On an annual basis we prepare all necessary compliance reports, including the NMOC emission report and EPA’s required GHG report, which is submitted through the e-GGRT system.

21 Projects