NYSOPRHP Taconic State Park Copake Falls Showerhouse
Comfort for Campers at Taconic State Park
The Taconic Region of the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation, and Historic Preservation (NYSOPRHP) planned a new 1,600-square-foot, eight-unit, single-user showerhouse to support existing campground facilities and future expansion at the Copake Falls Area of the Taconic State Park in Columbia County, NY.
LaBella provided a range of design services, including land surveying, landscape architecture, civil engineering, structural engineering, and subconsultant coordination for architecture and mechanical/electrical/plumbing engineering for the new showerhouse and renovations to an existing comfort station. The scope of work included the development of schematic design through construction bidding documents, including technical specifications and estimates of probable cost, all in accordance with NYSOPRHP’s A/E Services Manual.
In the process, it was determined that the new showerhouse, refurbished comfort station, and existing campground would need a new septic system. Following the schematic design phase for the showerhouse, NYSOPRHP requested that LaBella continue the development of the plans for the septic system as an accelerated project with design, permitting and construction phase services. Construction of the new septic system, the new showerhouse, and improvements to the comfort station were all completed.
These two projects, combined as a multiple-prime construction project, enable NYSOPRHP to improve their level of camper service and comfort at the Copake Falls Campground.