The Town and Village of Greenwich proactively seized opportunities to advance key recommendations from the Comprehensive Plan, including seeking grant funding for various activities. Initiatives that advanced in 2024 include:Zoning
The Comprehensive Plan included a future land use map that outlined recommendations to further community goals. The Town and Village successfully secured two grants—Brownfield Opportunity Area (BOA) Pre-Development and Hudson River Valley Greenway—to jointly update their zoning. A committee was formed to lead this process, which has been meeting since November 2023, one month after the plan’s adoption.
The Comprehensive Plan acknowledged the important role of infrastructure in driving economic development. While the Village has full public water and partial public sewer service, the Town lacks municipal water and sewer systems. The plan suggested focusing on growth opportunities along the Route 29 corridor. The Town and Village secured BOA Pre-Development funding and are preparing a Map Plan Report to expand water service in the Town, which will be vital for securing construction funding. Additionally, the Village is also using this funding to extend sewer services to a key waterfront development site.
Parks & Recreation
Although the Town and Village offer a diverse range of recreational facilities, public feedback collected during the Comprehensive Plan process indicated a general lack of awareness about these spaces, highlighting opportunities to better promote and enhance them. The plan identified a series of recommendations currently being implemented to address this issue.
In the Village, a Parks and Recreation Task Force was established and has been meeting bi-monthly over the past year to further refine its focus on improvements to Village-owned parks. The Task Force has recommended expanding events at the Village’s small pocket parks and clearing and enhancing trails at a larger Village-owned park located in the Town.
In 2024, the Town successfully secured a canals infrastructure grant to improve Greenwich Riverside Park, building on the public feedback collected during a Comprehensive Plan event held there.
Additionally, the Town and Village secured funding from the Adirondack/Glens Falls Transportation Council to prepare a Town/Village Bike and Pedestrian Connectivity Plan, aimed at improving access to these recreational resources. The project kicked off in 2024 and is being led by a project advisory committee.
The need for more housing, including a greater diversity of housing types, was a recurring theme during the Comprehensive Plan process. Acknowledging the importance of expanding the local housing stock, the Town and Village became two of the first 60 communities statewide designated as Pro-Housing communities. They have also supported private housing development and rehabilitation projects through two successful Restore NY grants awarded since the Comprehensive Plan’s initiation (Round 6 and Round 7).
An Award-Winning Project
2024 APA New York Upstate Award—Comprehensive Planning Category
Each year, the New York Upstate Chapter of the American Planning Association (APA) recognizes outstanding planning efforts across the region. At this year’s Annual Conference, held in October 2024, LaBella was honored to receive a 2024 APA New York Upstate Chapter Award for the Town/Village of Greenwich project in the Comprehensive Planning category.