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Chey-Anne Kilpatrick Presenting at North Alabama Environmental Professionals Association Meeting


LaBella’s Brownfield Redevelopment and Grant Specialist, Chey-Anne Kilpatrick, will be presenting at the North Alabama Environmental Professionals Association (NEPA) meeting on Friday, November 8, 2024, in Decatur, Alabama. Founded in 2014, NEPA provides a platform for environmental, health, and safety professionals in North Alabama to network and share industry insights.

Join Chey-Anne at 8 a.m. CST for her presentation on “Alabama Department of Environmental Management (ADEM) Division 15 Regulation Updates.” Her presentation will focus on the 2023 updates to ADEM’s Division 15 regulations, following the passage of Alabama House Bill 378. This bill introduced a “Responsible Person Applicant” category to the state’s Voluntary Cleanup Program, altering the timeline for liability protections. It also allows these applicants to contribute $500 per acre to the Brownfield Remediation Reserve Fund for addressing new or previously unassessed contamination. Additionally, the bill established Brownfield Districts and implemented other changes.

Learn more about NEPA here