
Stormwater Management is Crucial
There are many aspects of stormwater management that need to be taken into consideration for successful, safe projects. LaBella’s expertise covers everything from new build construction to improving existing sites, repairing damage from major storms, and more.Climate Resilient Design
Climate change will result in an increase in the intensity and frequency of extreme weather events. Our team can help you navigate these changes, assess climate risk, and develop stormwater management solutions that are resilient to flooding and erosion, and prevent property damage.
Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Mitigation
Site-specific and holistic sewershed CSO mitigation design can eliminate or significantly reduce stormwater discharge to the combined sewer. We help clients develop site-specific stormwater management solutions that promote on-site detention, infiltration, or reuse (rainwater harvesting). At a broader level, we review Long Term Control Plans for CSO communities to target improvement projects, such as storm sewer separation, runoff control through stormwater detention, or runoff reduction by application of stormwater management and green infrastructure practices.
Drainage System Design and Implementation
Old and new—from system replacement, upgrades or retrofits to the planning and design of new infrastructure—LaBella’s drainage design expertise runs the spectrum. Good design is dependent upon a clear understanding of the project objectives, a thorough understanding of watershed and surrounding environmental characteristics, and application of the appropriate technology to accomplish the project needs. Our sustainable solutions are focused on improvements of the systems with emphasis on safety and constructability, while minimizing impacts and costs.
Green Infrastructure
The goal of green infrastructure is to restore the natural water cycle through impervious reduction, infiltration and runoff reduction. LaBella’s stormwater team has specialized experience in the planning and implementation of source-control green infrastructure practices. Our green infrastructure designs enhance water quality, while addressing site-specific constraints and long-term maintenance to meet your programming and budgetary needs. We design green roofs, rain gardens, tree trenches, stormwater planters, rainwater harvesting, and porous pavement systems. We are also experienced in conservation design and protection of natural buffers. The LaBella team can also help you implement green infrastructure to meet state mandated regulations.
Hydrologic and Hydraulic Modeling
Our team of stormwater professionals is comprised of engineers, scientists, planners, and GIS analysts who work seamlessly to complete any water resource engineering evaluation, analysis, and design needed. Using databases, visualization tools, and applicable models, we prepare cohesive and comprehensive stormwater studies. Our experience includes use of many of the industry-standard models including HEC-HMS, HEC-GeoHMS, HEC-GeoRAS, HydroCAD, XPSWMM, FEMA GeoDam- Breach, etc.
Permitting and Grantsmanship
Stormwater permitting and funding tend to muddy the waters for a client with good stormwater intentions. We have a reputation of successfully pursuing and securing permits and grant funding opportunities for our clients. We help clients navigate requirements of the National and State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES and SPDES) stormwater permits, securing and implementing permits, and developing creative stormwater management plans and programs that enhance grant funding eligibility. Our team remains abreast of current funding opportunities and can work to match funding to existing projects or develop projects that suit specific funding sources.
Preparation of Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPPs)
For most projects to conform to state mandated stormwater permits, a SWPPP is fundamental and critical.
At LaBella, we develop SWPPPs that incorporate stormwater management solutions for all types of development and redevelopment projects seeking permit coverage. We employ professionals certified in erosion and sediment control, as well as certified inspectors who ensure that construction proceeds in conformance with the design.
To achieve compliance with the required permits, our engineers and environmental professionals stay up to date on current water quality, water quantity, and runoff reduction requirements, as well as the design of stormwater management practices to meet those objectives. We create site-specific stormwater designs to address site constraints, protect environmental resources, and meet client needs for programming and budget.
Stormwater Management
LaBella provides comprehensive stormwater management services to improve water quality, reduce runoff quantity, and ensure regulatory compliance. We recognize that each project requires a unique approach, so we work collaboratively with our clients to develop innovative stormwater solutions that are constructable, low maintenance, integrated with the project programming, cost-effective, and conform to applicable permits.
Watershed Master Planning
Long range planning for Stormwater Programs must consider the watershed and what surrounds it. We deliver Master Plans with a long service life, which are tailored to the unique conditions of the watershed, the environment, the community, and the changing climate. We have extensive experience in development of Stormwater Capital Improvement Programs, Utility Programs, Ordinances, Standards and Specifications, Permitting and Monitoring. We’re committed to the advancement of cost-effective, safe, and sustainable solutions using traditional and innovative technical practices.