Blankenship Family Assemblage Community Development
LaBella Performs Delineation and Surveys to Prep Charlotte for an Upcoming Residential Development
LaBella Associates teamed with NVR Inc. (parent company of Ryan Homes) to complete site feasibility analysis, wetland and other surface water delineation, and threatened and endangered species surveys for a proposed residential development located in Charlotte, North Carolina.
Our team performed a comprehensive feasibility analysis for the Blankenship Family Trust project of approximately 150 acres. We conducted a desktop and field site assessment to determine the permitting needs and assist with estimating project costs and timelines. This analysis enabled NVR to identify critical issues with their preliminary site plan and adjust the community layout. We also conducted a wetland and surface water delineation, which identified numerous wetlands and streams that the client is now able to avoid during construction. Our team utilized the data from the delineation to produce and submit a wetland report and obtain an Approved Jurisdictional Determination.
In addition, our team conducted a threatened and endangered species and habitat survey followed by performing a review of North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) and United States Fish and Wildlife (USFWS) T&E databases. The survey data and database results were compiled into a review package and sent to NCDEQ and USFWS for review. Consultation with USFWS’ online Information for Planning and Consultation (IPaC) system identified the northern long-eared bat (Myotis septentrionalis) – listed as a federally threatened species in 2015 – to potentially occur within the vicinity of the project location.