City of Troy Waterfront Revitalization
Creating a Revitalized Waterfront Promenade in Troy, NY
In 2011, after Hurricane Irene caused extensive damage to the waterfront area of Troy, NY, the City sought to rebuild the area stronger and more resilient than before. As part of a larger team, LaBella assisted with redevelopment of the City’s waterfront promenade between Riverfront Park and City Hall.
The primary goal of the project was to strengthen the pedestrian linkage between the downtown business areas along “restaurant row” and the redeveloped public park area to the South, and to enhance the pedestrian interaction with Troy’s underutilized waterfront.
This project was an integral step in the long-term municipal plan for development of a waterfront promenade connecting the northern and southern sections of the City.
Following initial concept planning and design document development, the promenade was constructed and opened to the public in Fall 2020. The design and construction activities were intricately woven into coinciding activities for reconstruction of the Seawall (a FEMA-funded project which removed the waterfront area from the 100-year Flood Zone) and re-establishment of the City’s waterfront marina.
LaBella also assembled the successful Consolidated Funding Applications (CFAs), led the public engagement efforts, and assisted with grant administration for all phases.