Lackawanna Trail
Former Railroad Bend Becomes Multi-Use Trail
The Lackawanna Rail Trail sits on a former Erie-Lackawanna Railroad bend. The trail is great for walking, running, biking, snowshoeing, and cross-country skiing.
This multi-use trail project included the following:
- Scoping Report: This is a LAFA planning project completed by LaBella for Chemung County. The study included inventory and analysis for approximately 5.5 miles of multi-use trail along I-86 and the Chemung River. The report considered parking lot alternatives, multiple trail surfaces, right-of-way and safety considerations, scenic overlooks, interpretive themes, river access, bridge retrofitting, environmental and archeological impacts, and detailed cost estimates. An advisory committee was convened.
- Phase I Trail: LaBella provided design and inspection services for the portion of trail within the City of Elmira. Funded by a State Parks Grant administered by the City, this project included decking and structural modifications to a 19th century railroad bridge, stream bank stabilization, trail construction, and NYSDEC permitting.
- Phase III Trail: LaBella provided design and inspection services for the 5 miles of trail south of the City of Elmira. This portion of the trail is a LAFA project administered by Chemung County.
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