LaBella Can Be The Conduit For Your Community’s Microgrid Development

LaBella’s full-service team has the capabilities to develop an energy-efficient microgrid, designed to meet your needs.
Over the last five years, LaBella has provided design services on approximately $53 million in construction – supporting transmission line engineering, substation engineering, automation projects including self-healing smart networks, and maintenance projects. These services are wide ranging from initial planning services, permitting/agency approvals, and program management, all the way through detailed engineering and implementation support. Whether the work is 4 kV or 400 kV, LaBella has the engineering expertise to get the job done.
In support of utility companies, we have achieved Public Service Commission (PSC) and Northeast Power Coordinating Council (NPCC) approvals on complex transmission and distribution projects. We have also gained agency approvals for numerous utility construction projects that were situated in difficult urban settings or entailed challenging environmental or historic preservation limitations. In addition, LaBella routinely prepares and works through the interconnection process with utility companies in order to allow connection of distributed generation projects to the grid. Regardless of the obstacles, LaBella has the team needed to turn a concept into a reality.
Our firm has extensive experience with alternative energy systems, district energy systems, and energy innovation. Our experience includes a distributed generation and renewable energy project resume that consists of hundreds of megawatts of capacity in wind, solar, hydro, and bio-gas. LaBella’s working relationship and experience with NYSERDA (currently holding four term agreements for energy consulting services) makes our firm an ideal candidate for microgrid projects. We are also working with the New York Power Authority under a term agreement for design and construction services to implement the Governor’s Executive Order 88. Under this program we are in the design phase of a biomass district heating system for three government agencies; the first of its kind in New York State.
LaBella’s Planning team consists of a multi-disciplinary staff of 20 experienced members, including planners certified by the American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP) and one Certified Environmental Professional (CEP). Our team has completed numerous urban energy innovation, district energy system, and urban revitalization projects – most notably, we were responsible for the Energy Master Plans for both the City of Rochester and City of Syracuse. LaBella works with local and national agencies to determine requirements, present achievable options to stakeholders, and ultimately gain approvals to make jobs happen.
Leading the charge is LaBella’s Energy Discipline Leader, Michael Barbasch, PE, CEM, CBCP, LEED AP. He has over 15 years of experience in demand-side energy efficiency strategies. His primary focus includes energy efficiency auditing and developing innovative solutions for various facility types. He has provided project preliminary assessments, utility bill analysis, detailed energy calculations, investment grade audits and cost estimates, engineering design support and project management services. Mike has helped clients realize significant savings through energy grants and incentives as well as energy cost reductions and operational improvements.
Contact Mike today to discuss how we can help.

About the Author
Michael Barbasch, PE, CEM, CBCP, LEED APEnergy Discipline Leader
Mike is a Senior Energy Engineer with over 19 years of experience in demand side energy efficiency strategies, with a primary focus on energy efficiency auditing and developing innovative solutions for various facility types. He has provided project preliminary assessments, utility bill analysis, detailed energy calculations, investment grade audits and cost estimates, and engineering design support and project management services. Additionally, Mike has helped clients realize significant savings through energy grants and incentives, energy cost reductions, and operational improvements.