Two members of LaBella’s Planning group will be presenting at the New York Conference of Mayors’ Community Revitalization Conference being held on July 10–11, 2024, in Oswego, New York.
On Thursday, July 11th, at 9:00 a.m., Ed Flynn, AICP, will be presenting “New York’s Main Street Program: What It Can Do for Your Downtown” alongside Merike Treier, Executive Director of the Downtown Committee of Syracuse, and Crystal Loffler, President of the Office of Community Renewal at New York State Homes & Community Renewal. This session will offer an overview of the New York Main Street program, highlight its benefits, and provide tips on effectively accessing and leveraging the grant resources to achieve visible downtown improvements.
Later that morning, at 10:15 a.m., Norabelle Greenberger, AICP, will be giving a presentation titled “Reframing Brownfields: Unlocking Funding and Removing Development Barriers to Advance Revitalization.” This presentation will provide an overview of brownfield funding programs and walk through case studies that highlight the successful use of brownfield funding to achieve site and community revitalization.
Learn more about the conference here