CM-1/CM-4 Natural Gas Pipeline
Environmental and Agricultural Monitoring and Coordination for Complex Natural Gas Pipeline Projects
A large utility company selected LaBella to perform all environmental and agricultural monitoring and oversight during the construction of a 1.5-mile-long natural gas pipeline (known as the CM1 project) and a 2-mile-long natural gas pipeline (known as the CM4 project). Both projects are located in Chili, New York.
Our team performed all bi-weekly Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) inspections and coordinated with the contractor and representatives of the Public Service Commission (PSC) to develop solutions to address any stormwater issues that arose during the projects. We also coordinated with the PSC and contractor crews to ensure wetland and stream crossings were performed with minimal impact to the sensitive resource.
Additionally, we monitored horizontal directional drills throughout the two projects. This included oversight of cleanup efforts and proper reporting to the project team of any frac-outs. Our team was also responsible for proper reporting to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) for any petroleum spills during the projects.
Furthermore, our team performed New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets (NYSDAM) Agricultural Field Monitoring. We coordinated with representatives of NYSDAM and the PSC to develop solutions to agricultural issues that were amenable to all parties. As part of the agricultural restoration efforts and two-year monitoring period, we consulted with farmers and landowners to ensure sufficient restoration of their properties to pre-construction conditions.
Our team’s diligent monitoring and coordination helped to complete the projects on time and without violation. The projects remain in compliance with all New York State Erosion and Sediment Control laws, the SWPPPs, and the NYSDAM Guidelines for Agricultural Mitigation for Natural Gas Pipeline Projects. We also ensured the contractor complied with the environmental requirements set forth in the Article VII Ordering Clauses and all applicable permit conditions.