Dutchess County DPW Building Code Inspection Consultant Term Agreement
Public Health, Safety, and Welfare Through Building Code Inspections in Dutchess
LaBella Associates currently holds a term agreement with the Dutchess County Department of Public Works to provide building code inspection and consulting services. Under this agreement, our team has completed building code reviews for the new Dutchess County Justice and Transition Center, including both redevelopment of existing structures and new building construction, totaling over 174,000 sq. ft.
In addition, LaBella provides third-party fire safety and property maintenance inspections of County government buildings, including the County Office Building, the District Attorney’s Office, the Department of Community and Family Services, the Family Court, the County Medical Office Building, the Board of Elections, the Commissioner of Jurors, and the County Courthouse. A number of these structures include historic buildings that are listed (or certified as eligible for listing) by the State Historic Preservation Office or the Keeper of the National Register of Historic Places and need to be investigated and evaluated when undergoing any alterations.
These inspections are performed on behalf of the County, as the authority having jurisdiction, for compliance with requirements of Title 19 Part 1203 of the New York Codes, Rules and Regulations (NYCRR). In accordance with the regulations, annual inspections are completed for each assembly occupancy and every three years for all other business occupancies, with a report of any observed deficiencies provided for implementation of necessary repairs by the County.
Where an authority having jurisdiction contracts directly with a business entity to perform any building safety inspector enforcement activities, the authority having jurisdiction must satisfy itself that each individual performing such contracted-for activities has qualifications comparable to those of a person who has met the requirements of Title 19 Part 1208 applicable to building safety inspectors.
LaBella’s qualified staff of New York State-certified Code Enforcement Officials meets these requirements. The ongoing services our team provides to the County are intended to ensure public health, safety, and welfare insofar as these are affected by the continued occupancy and maintenance of structures and premises.