Granary Apartments Affordable Housing Grid Capacity Evaluation
Evaluating Grid Capacity as Affordable Housing Goes Electric
The Granary Apartments is a new 72-unit affordable housing complex being proposed in Sanborn, NY.
In 2023, New York State Homes and Community Renewal (HCR) issued Sustainability Guidelines for current and future affordable housing projects. As a step towards meeting New York State’s Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (“Climate Act”), the housing complex is required to go 100% electric, per the guidelines.
The proposed development will require service from the existing grid but has the potential to overload the distribution lines. To determine the impact of the new development on the existing distribution lines, LaBella performed a Grid Capacity Evaluation. Using existing and public information, we compared the distribution line capacity to the post-construction capacity. Based on our experience working with utilities, we can make recommendation on whether the proposed development will require any upgrades to the electric distribution system to be supported.
Our Grid Capacity Evaluation determined that the proposed development is reasonably below the capacity of the existing distribution lines and can be serviced without any upgrades.