Greene County Jail Facility Retro-Commissioning
Retro-Commissioning Improves Performance of Building Systems at Greene County Jail
As the Commissioning Authority, LaBella was selected to lead all required commissioning activities at the Greene County Jail facility. The jail consists of three housing pods, various inmate-accessible spaces (e.g., kitchen, laundry room, etc.), and an administration/parole office wing immediately adjacent to the jail. As such, a wide variety of equipment was designed for use based on space purpose.
The following systems were reviewed during commissioning:
- Mechanical Systems: boiler plant, chiller plant, chilled/hot water AHUs with energy wheel, VAV boxes, ductless split A/C units, hydronic and gas-fired unit heaters, radiant heating units, and external supply and exhaust fans
- Lighting Systems: interior and exterior fixtures, switches, dimmers, and occupancy sensors
- Service Water Systems: all water heaters and relevant distribution/control equipment
LaBella also provided a comprehensive review of the building’s smoke control system, which is comprised of fans, AHUs, and dampers serving the housing pods. The commissioning team rigorously tested the automatic sequence designed to control the flow of smoke out of the building while keeping all occupants safe. In addition to sequential testing, LaBella also verified operational building pressures and provided findings to the Engineer of Record for code compliance review.