S.T. Olin Chemistry Gaseous Nitrogen Use Planning
Study Results in Improved Safety, Streamlined Research, and Cost Savings
Cornell University needed alternatives for nitrogen delivery systems at its S.T. Olin facility, an eight-story building (basement plus seven floors) that houses the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology. The building has been using liquid and compressed cylinder sourced nitrogen for the research laboratories. The nitrogen was distributed from a central location on each floor to the lab areas using dewars and cylinders.
Gaseous nitrogen in the facility is used at various levels of purity and flows. The usage is such that dewars had to be replaced regularly. Handling and transporting dewars and cylinders is an awkward, time consuming, and costly operation. Additionally, managing the nitrogen system requires a great deal of resources; space for staging, standby, and spend containers; and replacement at any given time.
LaBella was awarded the S.T. Olin chemistry gaseous nitrogen use planning project primarily due to our unique approach, as put forth in our proposal. Highlights included our approach to:
- Reviewing the existing nitrogen generator, cylinder base sources, and distribution systems
- Gathering information from the stakeholders to identify the base nitrogen requirements
- Using a survey for nitrogen users in the building
- Examining data from the nitrogen survey to develop the basis of design
The resulting nitrogen study offered solutions to improve safety, streamline research, and provide cost savings.