Station 38 Modernization
Substation Upgrades Improve Safety and Reliability
LaBella Associates was selected by the Local Utility Company for the modernization of Station 38, a distribution substation supporting the downtown Rochester area. Because the substation had been in service for many years, the equipment was antiquated, did not allow for safe working clearances, and presented the operators with unsafe energy levels when performing switching operations. As part of an overall initiative to improve system reliability, increase operator safety, and reduce maintenance costs, this station is being upgraded to include modern GIS switchgear and a modern RTU to allow for remote communications and control from the ECC.
In order to support the extensive substation operations side revisions, significant architectural revisions were required in the facility. The revisions included creating two new floor spaces inside the existing three-story gallery, additional stairways and egress paths for life safety, and structural reinforcements to support the new equipment areas and raceway systems.
Mechanically, air handling equipment was installed to provide building ventilation in accordance with current codes, heating, and conditioning in newly created electronic equipment spaces. Fire protection was revised to support the newly renovated spaces, and chemical suppression systems were installed for the exterior distribution transformers.
Electrically, the facility was provided with a new fire detection and alarm system, gas detection systems for the DC storage areas, emergency egress lighting, DC work lighting, general area lighting, and new AC and DC house distribution. Other services provided included civil engineering, project management, and field construction representation.