Termination of Post-Closure Care of Multiple County Landfills (VPPSA) – Virginia
Multiple County Landfills Evaluated for Environmental Compliance

Since 2000, LaBella has provided environmental compliance services to the members of the Virginia Peninsulas Public Service Authority (VPPSA) at their nine closed landfills in Essex, James City, King and Queen, King William, Mathews, and York counties.
These services have included the following:
- Conducted compliance groundwater and landfill gas monitoring and reporting
- Assessed feasibility of beneficial use of landfill gas
- Reduced the frequency of groundwater reporting at six landfills
- Greatly reduced the corrective action monitoring network by establishing Alternate Point of Compliance wells at one facility, resulting in $10,000 in annual savings
- Conducted and documented quarterly post-closure site inspections
- Delineated the extent of landfill gas and groundwater contamination
- Evaluated the risk to human health and the environment due to contamination
- Selected cost-effective remedies for groundwater contamination, including monitored natural attenuation
- Designed, installed, and maintained landfill gas extraction systems to limit the migration of methane gas and maintain facility compliance
- Negotiated with the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (VDEQ) and adjacent property owners to address groundwater contamination on their properties
- Petitioned VDEQ on behalf of several of the counties to be released from post-closure care monitoring and maintenance, including the use of Virginia’s Uniform Environmental Covenants Act (UECA). Nine landfills have been released from all post-closure care activities
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