Louisa County Sanitary Landfills – Louisa County, VA
Long-Term Partnership Delivers Decades of Waste & Recycling Services for Louisa County
LaBella has provided comprehensive engineering, environmental, and operations consulting services for Louisa County’s landfills since 1995.
Specific services provided by LaBella include the following:
- Performed compliance groundwater and landfill gas monitoring and reporting
- Delineated extent of groundwater contamination and implemented Monitored Natural Attenuation as remedy; prepared CASE Reports demonstrating effectiveness of selected remedy
- Negotiated with the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (VDEQ) to reduce analytical parameters required for corrective action, saving the County $5,200 in annual monitoring costs
- Successfully petitioned to reduce the corrective action well network, saving the County approximately $1,500 in annual monitoring costs
- Led design and permitting of facility’s expansion; developed construction documents and performed construction quality assurance (CQA) services for Cells 1 through 3
- Completed background monitoring for groundwater wells for Cells 1 through 3 of new permit area
- Prepared SWPPPs and SPCC plans at active landfill
- Managed VPDES permitting, monitoring, and reporting
- Provided on-site operations consulting, operator training, unauthorized waste training, and VPDES training to County personnel
- Provided construction phase and CQA services for closure of landfill using Closure Turf
- Currently drafting an Alternate Point of Compliance (APC) variance request to replace a contaminated compliance well with a non-contaminated sentinel well; if successful, monitoring costs would be greatly reduced, and Corrective Action could potentially be terminated
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