Highways & Roads
We can pave the way for your project.
Our commute affects our quality of life. That’s why LaBella’s highway and road projects are about more than pavement and concrete. They’re about safety. They’re about efficiency. They’re about innovative design approaches that deliver longevity – of the projects themselves, and the partnerships behind them.
Our municipal, state, and private clients rely on LaBella’s highway team for planning, feasibility studies, analysis, and design services. We’ve amassed highly rated projects in expressways, arterials, collectors, and local roads.

Our Expertise
For over 30 years, LaBella has been providing highway and street design services to a variety of municipal, state, and private clients. Our record of successful projects ranges from complex transportation studies to the design of expressways, arterials, collectors, and local roads.State Agency Projects
LaBella has provided services to the Department of Transportation and other transportation authorities for 25 years. We have completed over 14 urban arterial projects, five expressway/interchange projects, and six historic main street projects. Services have typically included transportation planning (scoping), traffic engineering, and highway design. Many of these projects included complex traffic solutions, safety analysis to examine accidents and operational deficiencies, context-sensitive design, environmental compliance to state and federal standards, and enhancements to strengthen quality of life in the community.
Locally Funded Projects
LaBella has provided planning, design, and construction inspection services as a prime consultant on over 20 locally funded transportation projects. Our municipal clients recognize the value that LaBella brings to each project as advisor and advocate. For each project, we stress the importance of frequent communication, identifying needs upfront, building consensus, strong project management, and understanding fiscal constraints. LaBella is at the forefront of providing our local clients with cost effective, sustainable, and high-quality services!
Locally Administered Federal Aid (LAFA) Projects
LaBella has provided design and inspection services as the prime consultant on eight LAFA highway projects for various municipalities in the past ten years. LaBella has consistently provided the leadership to help our clients navigate the federal process, develop cost effective solutions, and achieve compatibility with community goals.
Our success relies on good communication, technical expertise aligned with project need, and the drive to examine alternative solutions that enable us to recommend the “right” project to each client. Innovative solutions have included three- and four-legged roundabouts, two-way traffic conversions, and decorative concrete pavements and other enhancements
Transportation Alternatives Program Projects
LaBella has been successful in providing professional design and construction inspection services for a variety of “Active Transportation“ type projects under the Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) administered by the New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT).
These projects typically promote walking and biking and can include streetscape enhancements and/or traffic calming strategies to improve the pedestrian realm. Several of our projects have involved the preservation and conversion of abandoned railroad corridors into multi-use trails. LaBella has been a leader in the design of multi-modal facilities that enhance the quality of life for residents and promote alternate modes of travel.