Pittsylvania County Sanitary Landfill – Pittsylvania, VA
Sanitary Landfill Receives Range of Services from LaBella
LaBella provides comprehensive engineering, environmental, and operations consulting services for the Pittsylvania County Sanitary Landfill.
Specific services provided include the following:
- Performs compliance groundwater and landfill gas monitoring and reporting
- Performs groundwater Corrective Action monitoring and reporting based on Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (VDEQ)-approved Monitored Natural Attenuation (MNA) remedy and Long-Term Performance (LTP) Monitoring
- Successfully gained DEQ approval to eliminate corrective action monitoring wells that reduced semiannual sampling costs
- Relocated landfill gas boundary probe that avoided active landfill gas remediation
- Manages permitting and monitoring for the site’s Virginia Pollution Discharge Elimination System (VPDES)
- Provides on-site operations consulting to improve waste densities, reduce soil usage, improve litter and leachate control, and optimize equipment
- Preparing Part B permit application for expansion of the landfill into Phase 3 and Phase 2 piggyback
- Currently assisting with identification and repair of leachate seep
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