Route 363 Binghamton Gateway
Transforming Binghamton's Gateway to Connect the City, Riverfront, and Improve Traffic Flow
Preliminary highway design for the $24M NY Route 363 & 434 corridor and interchange. The project will transform the Route 363 corridor by removing a loop ramp interchange and providing a new gateway highway into the City of Binghamton for traffic coming from I-81 and I-88/NYS Route 7 corridors.
The project will improve the visual and physical access to the Susquehanna River yet will still maintain necessary flood control. A project goal will be to reconnect the downtown central business district and the neighboring residential community area with the riverfront. The project also includes the construction and continuation of a multi-use trail to provide pedestrian connectivity between Washington and Court Streets.
The design involved extensive travel demand modeling and forecasting for 14 alternatives for the Preliminary Design. Synchro and Vissim software were utilized to model and analyze anticipated changes in traffic patterns for 2 interchanges, 21 signalized and 13 unsignalized intersections associated with the alternatives that included signals, roundabouts, grade separation and an innovative continuous flow intersection (CFI).