Examples of Our Project Experience With Franklin County
Regulatory Relations
- Negotiated a Consent Order with Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (VDEQ) for landfill operational issues
Engineering Services
- Developed long-range cost model to evaluate future disposal options for the County; based on the results of the model, the County constructed the first phase of a permitted Subtitle D landfill adjacent to its unlined landfill
Construction Phase Services
- Provided construction design, bid phase services, and construction management with a construction quality assurance (CQA) program for the landfill construction in late 2012 (Permit No. 577)
- Provided preparation of bidding documents, as well as provided bid phase services and construction phase services for Phase 2 of the landfill (Permit No.577) in 2017; construction included the installation of site protection fencing and erosion sediment control devices, as well as construction of a DEQ-approved alternate liner system and the leachate collection and removal system
- Prepared bidding documents and provided bid phase services and construction phase services for Closure of Permit No. 72 MSW Landfill in 2021
Permitting & Design Services
- Prepared the Part B Permit Application for Cell 1 through Cell 6 of the Franklin County Sanitary Landfill Permit No. 577, encompassing approximately 45 acres
- Prepared revisions to the Permit No. 72 Closure Plan to include multiple capping options, including closure turf
Environmental Services
- Performed groundwater compliance monitoring and reporting
- Delineated extent of groundwater contamination and designed an active groundwater extraction and treatment system
- Assisted the County in negotiations with VDEQ and an adjacent property owner to address groundwater contamination off-site
- Successfully negotiated with the VDEQ to reduce analytical parameters required for corrective action, saving the County several thousands of dollars annually in monitoring costs
- Conducted corrective action groundwater monitoring and treatment system maintenance, including submittal of monthly Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs)
- Prepared annual Corrective Action Site Evaluation (CASE) reports
- Manage a landfill gas remediation project for the facility
- Manage the site’s Virginia Pollution Discharge Elimination System (VPDES) permitting and monitoring
- Prepared Greenhouse Gas Reports in accordance with federal requirements
Title V Permitting Services
- Prepared the NSR and Title V Operating Permit applications; submits routine reports and maintains compliance with the permit requirements
- Conducted Tier 2 sampling to determine site-specific NMOC concentrations for Title V reporting