Town of Cramerton Downtown Parking Lot Improvements

Town Transforms Parking Lot With Permeable Pavers for Stormwater Management

Through a comprehensive stormwater master plan, the Town of Cramerton identified critical infrastructure needs, focusing on the downtown parking lot and adjacent roadways. To address the deterioration of the existing lot and localized street flooding, the Town opted to replace and expand the parking area, incorporating essential upgrades. The goal was to enhance stormwater management, functionality, and the area’s aesthetics.

Collaborating with LaBella, the Town explored various solutions for the parking lot, including asphalt and Low Impact Development (LID) techniques such as permeable pavers. Ultimately, the Town chose permeable interlocking concrete pavers (PICP) for their durability, low maintenance, and environmental benefits.

These pavers filter stormwater through layers of gravel, improving stormwater quality, enhancing street drainage, and providing localized flood protection. In addition, the pavers offer better traction than asphalt and save space by integrating the drainage system. They also require less maintenance compared to asphalt, lasting up to 50 years with minimal upkeep, while asphalt needs frequent maintenance and has a shorter lifespan. Furthermore, the use of permeable pavers qualified the project for funding under the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) and credits from the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) for stormwater management.

The project design also included a concrete curb, improved storm drainage systems, and a Plaza Market area with shade sails. Parking capacity was expanded to 34 spaces and incorporated ADA-compliant features, enhanced landscaping, shade structures, and seating areas.

The new parking lot significantly improved drainage, reducing stormwater runoff and preventing localized flooding. The permeable pavers effectively manage stormwater from a 100-year storm event, filtering sediment and debris and releasing water slowly to reduce erosion. Additionally, the project enhanced the area’s aesthetics and functionality, creating a more inviting space for residents and visitors.

This project serves as a model of sustainable infrastructure development, demonstrating how innovative design and funding strategies can meet critical infrastructure needs while enhancing community amenities and environmental stewardship.

Our Scope of Work

Master Stormwater Plan Development

LaBella Associates created a comprehensive Master Stormwater Plan for the Town of Cramerton, addressing critical infrastructure needs for the downtown parking lot and adjacent roadways.

Value Engineering & Cost Control

Our team demonstrated the advantages of using permeable pavers by presenting their benefits, including ARPA funding and NCDEQ Stormwater Credit eligibility, reduced street flooding, and improved protection from direct stormwater runoff into the South Fork Catawba River. Our analysis showed that pavers offered a superior cost-benefit compared to traditional asphalt, meeting the project’s multi-objective goals.

Design & Planning

Our team evaluated pavement core samples and compared different alternatives, including asphalt and LID techniques with permeable pavers. We developed detailed construction plans and documents as well as the project bid manual for the downtown stormwater management and parking improvements.

Construction Administration & Inspection

LaBella provided detailed oversight, addressing unforeseen sub-grade conditions and coordinating with the contractor to ensure compliance with project specifications. This included material submittals, quantity tracking, and final project closeout.

A deteriorated parking lot
Town of Cramerton parking lot before replacement and expansion.
New parking lot with permeable pavers
Town of Cramerton parking lot after being replaced with permeable interlocking concrete pavers.
Case Study

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