Village of Hudson Falls Paris Park and Locust Street
Parking and Pedestrian Spaces Go Green in Hudson Falls
Paris Park in the Village of Hudson Falls had an inefficient and deteriorated parking area. Neighboring the park, Locust Street was an excessively wide road. LaBella assisted the Village of Hudson Falls with redesigning these two project sites under a single project tied together with funding and green infrastructure practices. Paris Park was redesigned to provide an expanded 100-space, shared-use parking lot for visitors of Downtown. Locust Street was narrowed to create a pedestrian-friendly green streetscape.
LaBella worked with the Village to submit a successful application to the New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation Green Innovation Grant Program. The project incorporates multiple green infrastructure techniques, including porous pavement, bioretention filters, and tree trenches to collect both surface and roof runoff, which will improve water quality and significantly reduce stormwater runoff to the County’s combined sewer system.