Village of Waterloo Circulation, Access, and Parking Study
Creating Safer and More Accessible Routes to the Historic Erie Canal
The Village of Waterloo and the Genesee Transportation Council (GTC) engaged LaBella Associates to prepare a comprehensive circulation, access, and parking study for the downtown area and adjacent Erie Canal corridor. The main objective of the project was to provide design strategies to improve the experience for bicycles and pedestrians while also increasing overall safety of the corridor for all users.
Better connections between Downtown and the Erie Canal were also key objectives of the project.
LaBella Associates provided a multi-disciplinary team of planners, landscape architects, and transportation engineers to assess potential design concepts and other regulatory measures to achieve the goals of the project. The scope of the project included:
- A community profile and economic market analysis to identify demographic and market trends that are impacting Downtown Waterloo and how those trends inform the types of alternative transportation options that are viable
- An evaluation of vehicular, bicycle and pedestrian traffic patterns, volumes and safety within the corridor
- Identification of infrastructure gaps to advance mobility and safety for all users
- Improving site access & parking
- Supporting long-term revitalization and tourism
- Create a livable, mixed-use, connected downtown neighborhood
- Provide Safe School zones
Concept plans were developed for the two state routes through downtown – Route 20 (Main Street) and Route 96 (Virginia Street) as well as residential streets and connections to the Canal.