Planning & Development
Community Engagement
Public and stakeholder outreach encourages constructive dialogue.
Even the most basic project or development can become controversial in today’s polarized environment. In an age where one opinion can influence thousands of others with a simple click on Facebook or Twitter, thinking ahead about everybody with an interest in a project is critical.
We understand how projects impact community members and we utilize the most effective public participation techniques to gather input and build consensus. Whether a meeting is in-person, virtual, or both, we have the tools to ensure broad community participation though a variety of engagement tools.

Downtown Revitalization & Development
We help define your downtown/ economic development vision, develop a strategic action plan, and then secure funding sources for implementation.
It’s important to begin with a thorough understanding of local planning priorities, initiatives, and existing conditions to lay a successful foundation for change. We know that your community cares, and that development affects everyone. We make sure to engage the public and key stakeholders throughout the process to make sure their voices are heard.
Additionally, we leverage your community’s interests and passions by developing a task force to address economic development and the impacts on the community.

Economic & Market Analysis
We work closely with clients to identify current and emerging economic strengths and retention targets for their strategic areas.
We have access to multiple data sources to perform comprehensive economic and demographic analyses as well as detailed market studies for the office, retail, industrial, and housing sectors.
Our goal is to understand what uses are most feasible for your community or development project and which uses will continue to be feasible into the future.

Comprehensive Planning
We help develop your community’s vision, goals, and strategies!
The result? A plan inspired by the community and supported by data that can be used to guide future development, municipal investments, and land use policy. GIS mapping technology allows us to clearly depict existing conditions as well as future land use options as part of your comprehensive plan.
We prepare plans at the community, neighborhood, or strategic area level and help with implementing the plans through a variety of strategies and funding.

Public & Private Development Services
Getting your development process up and running is our top priority.
LaBella provides development services to both public and private clients. We can help your planning, zoning, or municipal boards review and evaluate development proposals, including site plan review, subdivision review, zoning compliance, and other development standards.

Active Transportation
Convenient, safe, and connected walking and cycling infrastructure is at the heart of active transportation.
The LaBella team understands the importance of active transportation and the positive health, environmental, and mobility benefits these facilities can provide to our communities. We offer a range of planning and design services – with the ability to progress active transportation projects from concept to completion.
Additional information about our transportation planning and traffic engineering services can be found here.