City of Cohoes Veterans Memorial Park
Cohoes is Proud of Veterans Memorial Created by Collaboration
This community engagement project involved the renovation of an existing public greenspace (West End Park) to transform the site into a first-class memorial park honoring the City of Cohoes’ service veterans.
The park development process was a collaboration between the Cohoes Veterans Committee and City Officials, with contributions from the City Department of Public Works to maximize the available funding and deliver maximum impact for the community. In addition, the City Department of Public Works provided a portion of the construction.
Memorial elements included relocation of monuments currently residing in other areas of the City; new service branch monuments and flags; memorial cannons; and donor pavers, benches, and flags. Park improvements included decorative pavements, viewing nodes, seating areas, new pedestrian lighting, and landscape enhancements.
The project, initiated in May 2017, was completed in time for Veteran’s Day 2017!