City of Troy – Development of Four Waterfront Sites
City of Troy Plans to Develop Four Waterfront Sites
In 2015/2016, the City of Troy and LaBella were successful in pursuing funding through the New York State Consolidated Funding Application (NYS CFA) for the schematic design of four sites carefully selected from the City’s comprehensive plan to enhance its waterfront access and gateways. The proposed sites comprised the following: Marina North Boardwalk, Riverfront Park, Lansingburgh Riverfront Park, and Green Island Gateway. The funded project went out for RFP in late 2018.
Working with the City, various consultants, and local stakeholders, LaBella developed a series of concept plans, illustrative renderings, and precedent imagery boards for presentation to the public in early 2020. The designs for each site were well received.
We are currently further developing each design with detailed elements and preliminary cost estimates. In May 2021, the City enlisted our assistance to advance construction documents for strategic sites and components following design completion. Among these sites are Marina North Boardwalk, Riverfront Park, and a relocated Korean War Memorial,