NYSOPRHP Lake Taghkanic State Park Water System
A Water Tank with a View
Lake Taghkanic State Park had been serviced by a 30,000-gallon elevated water storage tank, which was out of service and in a state of disrepair. LaBella initially partnered with the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation, and Historic Preservation (NYSOPRHP) to advance the design of the East Water Tank rehabilitation. During the schematic design evaluation, LaBella noted that costs associated with rehabilitation would be greater than originally anticipated. It was then determined that construction of a new water tank would provide NYSOPRHP with a more cost-effective solution.
LaBella provided design phase services to construct a 33,000-gallon, glass-fused-to-steel replacement water tank to service the park, associated water distribution piping, and the replacement of the existing booster pump station. Taking advantage of the scenic view from the existing storage tank, LaBella also provided structural design services associated with re-purposing the existing water storage tank as a code compliant overlook for park visitors.
Following the design phase, LaBella assisted with permits and approvals from the New York State Department of Health and Columbia County Department of Health for water system improvements, as well as bid phase and construction administration services. LaBella helped NYSOPRHP with submittal review, preparing responses to RFIs, and preparing a certification of completed works.