Professional Engineering Consulting Services for New River Resource Authority – Virginia
LaBella Teams With NRRA to Support Several Solid Waste Facilities
Since 2011, LaBella has provided professional engineering consulting services to the New River Resource Authority (NRRA). These services have been conducted at the Authority’s three solid waste facilities: Regional Solid Waste Management Facility, Ingles Mountain MSW Landfill, and Ingles Mountain CDD Landfill.
Specific services provided by LaBella have included:
- Conducting a 5-year operations assessment of NRRA’s solid waste program
- Conducting landfill gas monitoring during blasting associated with landfill cell expansion at the Regional Facility
- Providing construction administration for scale replacement at the Regional Facility
- Revising intermediate and final grade drawings for the Regional Facility
- Conducting an Options Study for a new scale house and associated scales at the Regional Facility
- Coordinating installation of data loggers and a weather station at the Regional Facility
- Providing construction phase MSW assistance on the landfill gas collection system at the Regional Facility and Ingles Mountain CDD landfill
- Providing general landfill gas system support management
- Providing upgrades to the landfill gas flare skid at the Ingles Mountain MSW Landfill
- Revising the Landfill Gas Management Plan (LFGMP) for the Regional Facility
- Coordinating installation of gas wells at the Ingles Mountain MSW Landfill
- Evaluation of the landfill gas collection system at Ingles Mountain MSW Landfill
- Determining volumes for potential landfill mining at the Ingles Mountain MSW Landfill
- Preparing the Termination of Post-Closure Activity (TPCA) evaluation and revising the Post-Closure Care (PCC) Plan for the Ingles Mountain CDD Landfill
- Providing groundwater compliance monitoring and reporting at the three landfills
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