Town of Indian Lake Comprehensive Plan
Rebooting a Hamlet’s Community Services, Economy, Housing, and Infrastructure
Indian Lake is one of the region’s gateways to the Adirondacks. A population of 1,100 year-round residents are in the Hamlets of Indian Lake and Blue Mountain Lake or reside in one of the Town’s historic settlements. LaBella worked with the Town to develop a Comprehensive Plan. The Plan focuses on addressing today’s needs for Hamlet revitalization, expanded community services to serve an aging population, economic development, housing and infrastructure.
The plan includes a series of gateway improvements, establishment of a business startup support center, methods designed to leverage the region’s outdoor recreation opportunities and hut-to-hut initiative, as well as recommendations to update the Town’s zoning regulations.
Adopted in 2017, the Town has since secured funding for a series of gateway improvements, acquired the Townshend site located on Route 30 and is planning the development of the business center. The Town has also revised its zoning and land use regulations and is poised to adopt these updated standards.
The plan was developed under the guidance of an Advisory Committee, and included a series of well attended community workshops, a community profile, SWOT analysis, and an implementation strategy that the Town is using to guide its revitalization initiatives.