100 Fernwood Avenue, Phase I and Phase II ESAs and Annual Monitoring
LaBella Performs Environmental Assessments and Monitoring at 7-Acre Former Manufacturing Plant
In 2008, LaBella conducted Phase I and Phase II Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) for the Former Vogt Manufacturing Site located at 100 Fernwood Avenue and several additional adjacent parcels as part of a real estate transaction.
The site has historically been occupied by a manufacturer of auto trimmings, a plastic manufacturer, tool and die makers, machine shops, painters, printers, and sheet metal contractors, and is a designated New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) Brownfield Cleanup Program (BCP) Site (NYSDEC Site #C828119). It underwent investigation and remediation in accordance with the NYSDEC BCP from 2004-2009 and received a Certificate of Completion from the NYSDEC in 2009. A Site Management Plan and Environmental Easement are in place to manage residual contamination via engineering controls and institutional controls.
As part of the BCP requirements, long-term environmental monitoring is required. These requirements include periodic monitoring of light non-aqueous phase liquid (LNAPL) in monitoring wells, annual groundwater monitoring for VOCs and SVOCs, an annual inspection of the site and in-situ bioremediation system, and a Periodic Review Report.
LaBella has completed the required monitoring and Periodic Review Report, including an analysis of groundwater data trends on behalf of the Rochester Housing Authority since 2019. Our team has also provided cost estimates and analyses for redevelopment due to the residual contamination along with the engineering and institutional controls in place at the site.